Partnership Space

There are many aspects that come into play in an intimate relationship. The wounds that some couples left are very intense and deep. They become increasingly painful, when we are unable to observe and realize when a relationship has completed its cycle. The wounds become scars, sometimes, not let them heal, nor let them close and turn the blade and continue with our lives when a relationship has ended, either, when its stability has changed. How to regain the trust in love? When a relationship doesn’t work so that will lead us to enjoy to complement us and be in tune with our partner, it means, that we have conflict of background that we cannot resolve.

On the contrary, we fight, we get angry, disgustamos us and not atinamos to leave our conflicts. One of the aspects that looks more though is intimacy, that space in which only our partner know what happens and I can not deceive us. In that space, occur the most sublime emotions, but also, When the climate is rarefied, also happen and occur the most violent atrocities. Privacy in couple has their deceptions. In this place we are naked and vulnerable with our whole being. We are there gift for each other, when this intimacy is treated lovingly we feel full, full, full of energy and joy. We have complemented. However, when that space becomes place of hostilities, of vengeance, of silence, we experience a great loneliness that we burn up the bowels.

The lawsuits, the hassles, violence, humiliation and guilt live in silence, between two, between you and me. And only we know what is the reality of our love.


The article says the ambiguity of the wording to exclude persons from membership in the SRO in the building. Of greatest interest is the order of involuntary termination of membership in the SRO in the building, ie exclude a person from SRO. From the perspective of the author of this article, in Part 2 of Art. 55.7 GRK Russian lawmaker has applied unsuccessfully language, writing that "self-regulatory organization decides on the expulsion of members in case … ' There are just two questions: first, whether existing in Part 2 of Art. 55.7 GDC Russia list of grounds for exclusion of members of the SRO in the construction of a comprehensive, secondly, the exclusion of individuals from member organizations in these cases – it's right or SRO duty? Answering the first question we must turn to the norms of paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the non-profit organizations, according to which a member of the nonprofit partnership may be expelled by a decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner prescribed by the constituent documents of the nonprofit partnership, except when the non-profit partnership has acquired the status of SRO in the building. If the non-profit Partnership acquired the status of SRO, then, according to the legislator, the grounds and procedure for exclusion of members of the partnership can not be established by the constituent documents, and must be prescribed by law. Thus, in accordance with Art. 10 of the self-regulatory organizations face exclusion from the members of SRO can be used solely as a disciplinary measure in cases where it is recommended that a disciplinary body and CPO confirmed decision of a permanent collegial body.

Tips Time

I get the time you’re done with your partner, you need help and you ask the people closest to, ones give you ways how to recover it, but using your criterion what time as a bad idea and you are still looking for more aid, now not ideally try to recover first, but rather attempting to reconquer it, which is very different, as a way of like trying to recover it is putting the matter wit and elegance. Here a few tips to restore your former partner. Time heals all wounds: it is advisable to spend time without maintaining any contact with her, performing this each one will focus more time on their obligations to try to forget the bad times, but at the same time is intended to find out when they are actually surprised. Carries out activities with your friends: with this you will be able to avoid the suffering that you feel and it is a good choice to get to her without noticing. Don’t be arrogant and not supliques: at the beginning if she tries to communicate with you, not you show desperation, only will give you the idea that you’re the injured party in separation, accepts your call and shows safety and treat it in a friendly way; neither exaggerate the situation reaching the point of beg him and ask him to please return with you, because it is something unusual and pathetic at the moment. Makes the most of your opportunities: If presents you the opportunity to give and show you something special, or you can simply help her in their difficulties, do not miss the opportunity to show you how a gentle person.

The reconquista is a process long and slow: do not despair if you see that at the beginning there are no changes of acceptance towards you with your former partner, if you feel that it affected you much separation, she came up with the same thing, and just like your she is passing by an emotional self-improvement and confidence, don’t be demanding and don’t try to seduce her immediatelyIf you follow all these instructions, I guarantee good results, because these are very good tips to restore your former partner. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again.

Paseo Marketing Shows Ways

Presentation to human resources to social media marketing Soren Munk, founder and CEO of Paseo marketing, holds on Wednesday, March 6, a lecture to HR managers about the value of social media marketing in the fight against the shortage. At the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce of Karlsruhe, he talks about how Facebook, Twitter, XING and co. improve opportunities in the competition for the best brains, shows up to practice success strategies and explains what social network for whatever purpose is suitable. The shortage is the number one obstacle to growth. The problem, not missing orders.

Missing employees who work through the orders are the problem,”Soren Munk clearly and adds: new challenges require new forms of recruitment. Social media marketing is such a new form”, said the Chief of Paseo marketing, the region’s largest social media agency. Social media marketing is suitable for short-term use as well as as part of a medium and long-term human resources strategy. There are so many possibilities, is so crucial to the success of the targeted use of the instruments. Every company needs its own concept, its own strategy.

A thorough analysis forms the basis for all subsequent measures. The companies have the greatest success, which in advance took enough time, exactly to determine the short, medium and long-term personnel needs and then set the respective target groups. This is the basis of every successful social media marketing. What complicated and expensive sounds, is not both in practice. As a good tax advisor or a good lawyer pays for itself quickly, so also with the involvement of external social media specialists. The profits and keeping skilled workers is increasingly becoming a matter of communication. It was for many businesses so far really necessary, especially in the B2B sector, operate image care and make themselves known to the times have changed completely. Seek so far the company from its employees, the employees will choose your company. The ticket to participate in the new competition for the best brains is solely the reputation and image of the company. Without this so-called employer branding, it is ever harder, ever more applications to get. Employer branding is nothing but consistent and long-lasting communication. Soren Munk

Energy Managers Feel

Only 12 percent of the participants of a recent survey of bar field & partner are affected by crisis-related cuts Mulheim immediately, November 24, 2009 – the reputation of the energy and chemical industries, right when compared to many other sectors to be crisis-resistant, more has been confirmed also in 2009 once. This results in a recent survey of the international management consultancy bar field & Partner GmbH, the 6,000 specialists and executives of the energy and chemical industries have participated in. Then, only 7 per cent of all respondents assess the mood in their companies as bad. The majority of respondents (63 percent) speaks of a rather mediocre operating climate. 30 percent are even positive. There is no significant difference between the two industries is to make out. Overlooking its own welfare and the personal situation of crisis, it can be stated that more than two-thirds of respondents of which feels little or nothing.

Another 20 percent expect only medium-term consequences for themselves. 12 percent of respondents oppose affected directly by the crisis-related cuts. These include especially the participants from the chemical company. You will feel the impact of the economic crisis more frequently than their counterparts from the energy industry. So far, at every third company employees were dismissed due to the crisis. A significant difference to the energy companies, where only 12 percent of employees are affected. In addition, that short-time working is practiced currently in about 40 percent of the companies of the chemical industry.

In the energy sector, there are only 9 per cent, while another 13 percent is expected soon with this measure. “If you look at the measures taken by the company to press against the effects of the crisis, one comes across a wide range of already implemented or planned in the short term alternative courses of action. In the first place of the action plan is the reduction of overtime and time deposits. Also be vacant positions target no longer after occupied by many companies and at the same time, the temporary work reduced. When first mentioned in fourth, so it comes in quite a few companies to operational redundancies”, explains Claus-Peter bar field, Managing Director of bar & Partner GmbH. The survey results also show that the company largely involve their staff in the implementation of the measures adopted or at least sufficiently inform them. 71 percent of all respondents feel well informed by their company. 25 percent feel the communication on crisis measures as mediocre and only 4 percent feel left in the dark. The fact that measures to bind the employees in the crisis be continued unchanged in most companies is encouraging from the perspective of human resource management. Only 13 percent of respondents report that their employer appropriate programs, such as training and development activities were greatly scaled back or even set. Since its founding in 1981 the Mulheim-based company focused and Management consulting bar field & Partner GmbH their advisory activities on the recruitment of senior executives of first and second level. In addition the support of businesses in the occupation of supervisory and advisory functions. In the context of mergers & acquisitions activity bar field & partner gives medium-sized companies and Group investments. Contact: bar & Partner GmbH international management consulting Annika Barenfeld Bahnstrasse 40 45468 Mulheim 0208 450 45 0 0208 444 55 25 press contact: GB-the PublicityExperten Dr. Alfried large Ruhr stone 37 c 45133 Essen 0201 8419594

Business Administration

“Product managers (FH)’ evaluate her further education studies with very good for graduates of secondary study product manager (FH)” January 30, 2009 was a special event. ” In both festive and welcoming environment, students at the Kunsthaus in Schmalkalden old market received their certificates from the hand by Prof. Dr. Hubert Dechant, Scientific Director, and Peggy Schutze Centre for continuing education (CCE). The ten graduates and graduates had started her part-time absolvierbares studies for the summer semester 2008 and can now after two semesters as product managers (FH) “or product manager (FH)” call. After the official part the excellent in the vaults of the art house to the dinner could can arrive and finish off the evening and the study with the one or other drink with their families. In the anonymous evaluation of her program, the product managers (FH) made “clear that with the course of studies more than satisfied” were.

The overall grade of 1.3 in fact speaks for itself and confirmed the previous experience in assessing the education studies of the fhS. This statement is increased however by stating that all students would recommend the study. Best reviews were given the questions about content, concept and application reference (Note 1,2) studies, as well as the ratio of lecturers of science and practice (Note 1.4). Care before taking up his studies (see note 1.4), as well as during the course of study (Note 1.3) through the CCE achieved very good results. The study rooms and technical equipment were known as very good to good (Note 1.5). The quality of teachers and content quality of teaching materials has been rated the note 1.6. Goal of the part-time absolvierbaren course to the / r Product Manager (FH) “it is to give scientific expertise related to the application for a product-oriented corporate governance.” The study programme is divided into the following modules: Business Administration, strategic product management, information brokering and market research, product marketing and sales, profitability assessment and controlling, soft skills, project management, management of product innovation. More information to the conditions, to the BEWERbung, to the end of the study, as well as to the audit services are available at the Centre for continuing education at the fhS: University of applied sciences Schmalkalden Center for continuing education Asbacher Road 17 c 98574 Schmalkalden phone: 03683 688-1762 fax: 03683 688-1927 E-Mail: Web: product manager

TCM Work Group Neat

The recent acquisition of Neat Group of the Australian company TeleMedCare has enabled the creation of a new division of telemedicine that can offer innovative solutions of telemonitorizacion as the follow-up of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity or COPD, to improve their care and quality of life. The investment carried out in your product of the same name, TeleMedCare, is more than 10 million euros. It has offices in Australia, United Kingdom, United States and Canada, countries in which telemedicine projects, is being carried out both public administration and private companies. Adolfo Tamames, President of Grupo Neat, explained that the implantation of TelemedCare in the public health sector would allow substantial savings in a so delicate moment like the present, where the cuts are causing disturbances in attention to patient. This system is a breakthrough in the follow-up of patients with chronic diseases or elderly. One of the applications of the new service offered by group Neat for the business environment is TCM Work that allows to monitor and tracked the health of employees over time. With TCM Work employees can monitor their State of health, continuously strengthening them in this way to reduce risk through consistent information, motivation and education factors by which the benefits start from day one. Biometric identification and encryption ensure the security and confidentiality of the data of employees. Some data that can be used for anonymous statistical purposes in the workplace with the consent of the workers. Users receive immediate information in real time and they themselves can control the data and submit reports to the health professional.


In France or in Spain are often distinguish a romanticism of Catholic and national appearance of other more liberal and materialistic. In Germany or England a first romanticism of a second movement, differs more mature and less theoretical. Romanticism signified a change of taste of the era and the aesthetic theories of creation. Modern front of neoclassic, symbolized in the French and in imitation of the old models. Lessing attacks classical French theater, proposes to imitate Shakespeare and create a national drama. Herde defends the existence of a national spirit linked to the language whose development is the story of each country; the manifestation of that spirit in the creations of the people and the great poets, especially in the Christian middle ages. He says the nationalism and populism that Schiller merchant would charge in its theatre. In England revived interest by the mythology and Scandinavian medieval traditions or Celtic (Ossian) and cultivated a new sense to nature (Wordsworth and Coleridge).

Goethe, Werther, draws the evil of the century, and in his Faust, seeks a dream impossible immortality the romanticism starts of that subject which illustration claims against the man that Cartesian philosophy leaves in the hands of the Supreme being. The autonomy of the subject as the first achievement of enlightened thinking is fundamental to the romantic man’s conception of itself and in relation to nature. Diderot and Rousseau rehabilitated sensitivity, passion and love for nature. However, while the enlightened thinker can discover the value of the sensitivity, do it the Centre of human existence, while the romantic conceives for himself and in himself a soul that intensely experiencing the love of nature, which is consumed in their emotions and their pains, and basically always seeks itself in everything you do. Adds us, that romanticism meant a change of taste of the epoch and aesthetic theories of creation. Modern front of neoclassic, symbolized in the French and in imitation of the old models. is actively involved in the matter.