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Czech Republic

This intervention by NATO in the former Yugoslavia, the occupation of Kosovo (Serbian province’s ethnic Albanian majority), the creation of a shield anti-missile on the territory of Poland and the Czech Republic and, therefore, joined the rush of Washington for hosting in the Alliance to two border countries Ukraine and Georgia located in the most sensitive confines for the defense of Russia. But there is more: the ultra-conservative circles of Washington not concealing his interest in facilitating the desrusificacion of the former Soviet provinces that boast a high percentage of people of Russian origin. It is the case of the Baltic States, but also of countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan, where the percentage of Russian-speaking exceeds, in most cases, 5-10% of the population. Moscow is committed to defending the interests of these populations, which allows you to promote a so-called nationalist sentiment to facilitate the expansion of the zone of influence of the Federation. The thirst for greatness has little to do, however, with the nostalgia of the monolithic Soviet Union. In reality, Russian leaders want to regain the coveted reputation of the era of the tsars, the Russia that codeaba, without complexes, with the great colonial empires of the 19th century: Germany, France, or England. To understand the feelings of the Muscovite politicians, the kremlinologos should review history textbooks.

While Europeans continue to think in the most effective way of encircling the Russian bear, the hypothetical Chinese ally does not seem very prone to join the tactic of the tongs. Beijing has, in effect, their own strategic problems, call these Taiwan or Tibet. Without forgetting, of course, the fledgling but highly disturbing fundamentalist threat in most provinces Muslim. At the moment, the success of the encirclement of Russia seems unlikely. However, the Kremlin leaders warn their Western partners: make No mistake to choose its allies. Bet on the enemies of Russia would be a historic mistake. It remains to be see whether West is able to interpret and internalize the message.

British Labour Government

Pinochet was arrested in London on October 17, 1998. The former dictator of Chile between 1973 and 1990 was accused of having overthrown one of the oldest American democracies and have murdered and tortured thousands. His 18 months of arrest in England caused a series of changes in world politics before human rights. After the end of the cold war in 1991 West needed to shed its image of having flirted with anti-Communist tyrants to legitimize his new strategy of global political and economic liberalization. His case served as the example for subsequent extradition of other dictators like Milosevic (Serbia), Taylor (Sierra Leone) and Fujimori (Peru). However, Pinochet not stayed imprisoned in United Kingdom or was extradited to Spain where begged him. Bush and Thatcher pressed for his release and the British Labour Government agreed to do so. The paradox is that London or Washington who sooner or later have invaded countries to arrest dictators (from Iraq to Panama), freed which had in House. Even today USA is hard against regimes that, although they were elected, they accuse of dictatorial (such as Venezuela) but is silent before autocracies that supply you oil (such as the Arabs, the Gulf of banana or of Turkmenistan).

Twitter Customers

For Techrigy SM2, this meant the Elimination of calls in cold and the bases of customers increased by 840 per cent in just one year. Twitteres is a great resource to meet demand, but also for management of products, the customer service and distribution of brand you can use Twitter to generate demand. Search for mentions of your brand or organization (including misspelled forms), terms the industry phrases, look for mentions of competitors and then look for a need expressed in relation to your product to find those who are possibly potential customers. But this is not all, look at what people are saying about their products, in order to help the administration of your product, services and required support. Share content that improves your brand and back into his more human organization or more customer-centric. The alignment of sales and marketing can improve the amount of demand and supply the same alignment of sales and marketing are often a struggle for many organizations.

Merchandisers can improve their relationship with sales to analyze the demographics and behavior of prospects. This can allow vendors focus on most qualified prospective customers and keep them informed of the activities of the organization. Doing this you will achieve that customers are not left stagnant only in sales, but continue through the pipeline. Create specific social media campaigns for each country. Develop a marketing strategy using social media based on the geographical objectives of the organization. For example, 140 million people are online in China, but some pages like Facebooky Twitter are prohibited. On the other hand, England is the country where used more Twitter.

Looking at these examples it is important to note that not all social media are being used in the same way, why it is important well analyze the markets and decide which are the ways more effective to act on each of them. Perform marketing as a seller merchandisers want to be seen as sellers but not in the way that they have to move from place to place, but they want that their e-mails are seen as that they are written by sellers. These e-mails from sellers are sent with tricks and personalized, segmented form as sent from my Blackberry or adding misspelled words to the e-mails. This seeks to draw the customer’s attention and demonstrate that the company is making effort to offer a personalized attention. Many people are in disagreement with this method, but also many people ensures this avoiding messages is deleted immediately by customers and prospects are received. Regardless of that as successful are their marketing strategies, this account of this Conference can help them evaluate methodologies that are being used in your organization.

The Current

In debates, workshops on the topic of leadership, Professor of managerial topics of the graduate of Faces of the UC., concerning quality and productivity program, noted, the personification of the real leader or development agent must combine knowledge and professionalism with human quality, as M. Desiato, emphasized an interest note, which indicates that: recovery of a strong institutional framework passes through the formation of a number of capable professional politicians and, of course, honest; men connoisseurs not only politics but also the economy, sociology, gifted of a healthy sense of reality and flexible when dealing with the pluralism of our collective (the national, 24/02/2002). In relation to the above above it is possible to say that, as regards the political environment, the Government of the current President of Venezuela, Hugo r. Chavez f., this must not neglect that you deteriorate which involves a participatory leadership, a leadership, which secure the union and not division, a democratic leadership, that unifies criteria, which not incidentally to which economic weaknesses are manifest, financial, cultural, educational, managerial, among others; We need a consistent team, with ethics, values, moral knowledge, able to unify efforts towards goals where everyone is committed, more, with the goal of building a socialism that ensures changes, justice, equity, transformation, development, participation, without affecting anyone else, all this on pro give Venezuela that course necessary to rewrite it in a real power that can be if actually manifests the will to collaborate and define programs that guarantee results. Is needed to encourage more the union, cooperation with various actors and national sectors in order to avoid contradictions, often manifested, even in officials who constitute his team, as very well knows the President in connection with the Venezuelan managerial aspect, both public and private sector, as participants, indicate the fundamental leadership weakness lies in demotivation and devaluation of the human resource to highlight the professional quality in detriment of human quality, promote individualism and economic profit sustained by falter and bureaucratic social welfare systems, which operate without a vision and shared a true strategic planning mission.

The Wall Street Journal

After the first failed attempt, the Congress of the United States.UU. He is again debating the approval of rescue megaplan. Already surpassed it successfully the first litmus test that was the Chamber of senators (74 votes to 25) and Friday will go for revenge in the House of representatives. One of the first to celebrate the good news was neither more nor less than George Bush. The London newspaper Financial Times saved the following words of the President of the United States.UU., once approved the plan in the Senate: applaud the Senate for its strong vote of both parties for the financial rescue plan. Bush added: the American people expect and our economy demands, the House pass this good Bill this week and send it to my desk.

But contrary to what Bush said, the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal yesterday showed the manifestation of American citizens against the approval of the rescue plan. They had gathered 23,000 signatures against This plan in just two days. Many Americans angry with the possibility that their taxes will be used to save the financial system initiated contacts with some senators to avoid the initiative to flourish. For the Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama understood that, in case of reaching the Presidency, it was best that this rescue plan will materialize to thus avoid having to take the mandate of a country in ruins. Therefore, you could see it in recent days taking an active part in achieving the project to prosper as soon as possible. The problem with Obama was how not to upset voters after supporting the use of their taxes to the rescue plan for financial institutions. Is for this reason that rehearsed the following declarations: this is not simply to save a few banks () is to prevent falling the crisis into a catastrophe this is not a crisis on Wall Street, is a crisis of the American people can disagree respectfully with the project but is of course this is what we have to do.