English Stock

So when a deal between its members is either the transfer or purchase (sale) of securities in exchange for money or goods. Security – a form of existence of capital is different from the commodity, productive and cash, which can be transmitted instead of the capital, traded as a commodity, and to generate income. Hence it logically follows the concept of 'the stock market (SM)'. The securities market is divided into primary and secondary. Primary securities market – a market that is hosting the first issued securities. Its main participants are securities issuers and investors.

Secondary market – a market in which securities are already being resold. Now investors and issuers have replaced the speculators who have the purpose of obtaining profits in the form of foreign exchange. Shares – a type of securities. Investments in action – as in no one other securities – enables rapid enrichment. But the purchase of shares is often associated with risk. The notion of 'action' is closely related to the concept of 'stock market'. Classical Western definition stock market – stock market (English Stock market), division of the capital market; market trading in shares eligible to bid on any stock exchange. Another type of securities – bonds.

Bond – a security, brings a fixed income, which is defined in advance. In essence, a bond – a debt security. Thus, an investor buys a bond to any of the issuer (the company that produced this bond), it becomes a creditor. From this it follows that the issuing company at the end of the treatment of bonds issued to this investor agrees to pay the bond's face value plus a known or easily predictable income as a percentage of par value, which is called the coupon. Bonds are secured and unsecured – depending on the presence or absence of collateral for them. Futures (of Eng. future – the future of) the contract is called an agreement on the implementation of future agreements reached before the sale or purchase of a standard size of some of the underlying asset at a fixed at the time of agreement price. Called financial futures, based on specific financial instruments, such as short-and long-term treasury bills, deposits, currency and index numbers of stock exchanges. These tools are used to make a futures contract.

October Rains

Caused by the worst torrential rains disasters affected in early October, large areas in the province of Garda, 600 km to the south from the Algerian capital. At least 2 people were killed, one missing and about 50,000 were evacuated in the area of floods caused by tropical storms in the southern Chinese island of Hainan. Eleven people were killed floods in central Viet Nam, caused by torrential rains, hundreds of homes were damaged. Heavy rains in Portugal have caused severe flooding – flooding was Lisboa. Movement of tens of city streets is difficult or even impossible. The water level on the roads up to five feet. Suspension of the work of underground, ground floors were flooded hundreds of homes.

Losses which element caused the city, already estimated at several million dollars. Environmental savings: in Europe prohibit incandescent lamps in Japan give gifts for the eco-friendly shopping in the near future in the eu could be banned trade in incandescent lamps. According to eu Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, the rejection of light bulbs and switching to energy-saving lamps will allow a 60% reduction in electricity consumption by households and will also help set the eu goal to reduce by 20% by 2020, annual energy consumption in Europe. In Japan, a population that is ready to move to energy-efficient products, promote special gifts. Twenty Japanese banks, hotels, shops, electrical appliances, railway companies announced last week the introduction of 'eco-points' – epa (Eco Action Point) for consumers who will be charged at purchase energy-saving products and environmental friendly service.


For inland ECOS (EDTA) – David Norman L. You may want to visit Leo Noe to increase your knowledge. Foronda In today's society, complex and contradictory, but sometimes it seems that faith, spirituality and religion represent or occupy only a small part in the lives of most people, certainly, I think these are still becoming the transcendental strength that gives meaning to the existence of people and gives hope for a life in harmony and peace, whether earthly or spiritual. During Lent religious practices such as fasting, prayer, meditation, preaching, study of the word, and so on. bring people together in their desire to express their faith as well share it with others, reflecting the great debt of mankind to God who in His goodness and everlasting love sent his only son to atone for the sins of the world. The society is called to conversion, reflection, repentance, reconciliation, the unwavering affirmation of faith in the Lord and a complete and sincere spiritual renewal. Time Lenten expressions of love for Jesus are more latent, the adoration of the Cross, the different processions which portrays the passion and death of the Lord are just some examples of what happens during Lent and Easter.

All the above makes Christians believe with deep conviction but on the other side in a secularized world, with loss of values and sunk in consumerism are pedophilia scandals which unfortunately involve clergy and like it or not resulting in, among other , the distancing of the faithful of the Church and even of faith coming to practice a kind of religion "particular" in which he claims that the person does not need a third party to be "right" with God coming to become that, I think, in a purely subjective and personal action by the practitioner who rejects the teachings of the church but kept at the same time, a "deep faith" that certainly keeps to himself, which, personally, do not I think it shows or has conviction or certainty of what really is preached. This thinking could to some extent undermine the faith of society and their need for the church and religion, but we inevitably remember that as mortal beings of flesh and blood we are bound to err from the simplest to capital cases someone will say "is freedom of choice", but this definitely does not mean wild. So we are all alike in appearance but different in thinking, reasoning and action. The falsity of one or several church does not affect our spirituality, faith and the concept of the church that has struggled over time to unite societies around faith in God. In Lent, soon to culminate in the resurrection of the Lord, as true believers perform a real insight about our lives, our actions and goals in life on earth, we reaffirm our faith more than ever and we emphasize the virtue of being happy when the others are, in giving to others rather than receive for therein lies the true happiness and pray for the eternal creator forgive our sins in his endless kindness and wisdom, taking into account the evidence of human life make us better cope with and overcome knowing them with the help of God, because anyone that is our idea of Him, we must always be at peace with our Heavenly Father and do not forget at any time which is why we exist and that He is the only friend who will never abandon our life and destiny. By David N. L. Foronda – Echoes of inland (EDTA) Url:.

Google Docs

Increased productivity using Google Docs: A complete and extremely practical tool, their collaboration applications it will surprise. Docs, one of the latest creations of Google, operates as a portal of storage, i.e. as a page where you and your colleagues can communicate in real time with only access to an account. Similar to the Inbox of your email address, this tool, by being shared with the people you choose, perfects the communicative capacities among certain users. In addition to allow you to create documents from scratch, Google Docs integrates elements such as comments, add documents, text editor and among others – bulleted list, to facilitate understanding between his ideas and those of his group. How to use it? Go to the Google Docs page and create an account for free. Once registered, you can upload the documents you want as if you were attaching a file. Likewise, be converted into online versions, invite its working group to participate with only write the email address of the desired person.

Each Member that you add will work form online. For example, each uploaded file will be seen by all. Likewise their updates, corrections and comments. Features Google Docs supports most common file formats. Meanwhile, with only typing the e-mail, you can integrate users in two aspects: contributors or readers. To log on, where to be, each person will have access to documents; they are archived on Docs and you don’t need to download or install any software.

Similarly, for purpose of having access to information and immediate editing, the platform has a chat window. For its part, to register each Member, you will know who and when modified certain document. Google Docs is completely free. Benefits online storage is safe and away from any kind of excuse that involves the operation of the computer. Copies can be saved and exported from Google Docs. With a single click your work It will be published as a web page. You can publish your work in your business with Google Apps. Insert changes and exchange views in real time. Efficient and immediate communication. Certainty to be working on a document and security not to lose files. Productivity will be better and much faster.

Current Leaders Mexicans

If we use the sources of information that we currently have and are looking for the definition of a leader or leadership will find a number of definitions, these definitions explain which seems to me seemed more clear or better, I repeat, to my taste: person who has unusual vision and a security, the capacity to achieve that people follow it; the knowledge to act with determination and some other qualities that are recognized normally different from the rest of the population, if this same way we search for Mexican leaders of today will find a huge list of names covering different areas, such as the following: Carlos Slim (business), Hugo Sanchez (sports), Enrique Pena Nieto (politics), Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (policy)Octavio Paz (literature), among others. If we stop a moment to analyze each one of the names listed in the preceding paragraph, most complies with the definition of exposed leader somewhere in there, all have highlighted in each of its fields of action, so that they have earned the title of leader, but without a doubt, when we hear the word leading the first thing that comes to mind is someone that is followed by a large crowd of people. This last condition is true in the majority of platicados cases, these leaders are followed by a large number of people, but I think that a leader must find that every one of the people that follow them exploit to the maximum each of their qualities or strengths, i.e. should seek their collaborators or supporters to be converted in leaders of each of the roles that have within society, if we perform an analysis of the compliance of this last premise by our current leaders, we will see that the list is slimming. I think that this makes a difference to that great leaders of humanity have achieved transcend to throughout the generations. Despite all the conditions that might prevail in our training as human beings, we can get all the title of leader, but we must be aware that this appointment carries a great commitment with the people who will be in our sphere of influence, something that we should highlight of the leaders that set out in this article, is that each of them have sought to remain within the top of each of their area, seeking to prepare every dayinnovating and/or making efficient use of the resources available. But the important thing is that we should seek that positive influence in each one of our partners, this is what succeeded the great difference in our achievements.

Golf As Exercise

Warming rays of the sun fall from the azure sky of eternal green of the golf course. This panorama is offered every golfer in the land of the Pharaohs, Egypt. Not only with ideal weather that you will find all seasons here are privileged to Egypt a dream destination for golf lovers, a picturesque environment and a diverse range of which is still affordable, make this paradise. A golf holiday in Egypt offers the tourists but even more. A seemingly never-ending selection of golf courses you can find all kinds here, from Cairo to the Red Sea.

But in Cairo offers seven golf courses of which five are championship courses that can open to any professional challenge. Here you will find strategically placed bunkers, as well as water hazards and desert rough, which additionally adds to the variety of golf. So that these places are suitable for all levels from beginners to tournament players. Thus Egypt is not only as a vacation paradise for vacationers an exciting world, but also for the golfer, Egypt is a dream destination that has to be experienced. Whether the golf capital Cairo, the brilliance is not only limited by your luxury equipment in golf, but also takes visitors to a distant, mysterious world around pyramids and pharaohs. Or, Luxor, Egypt is the cultural center where you will find a golf course that is developed from the middle of the desert. Egypt is a must for any golf lover! Use the most diverse offering that you will be given in one of the Golfresevoirs.

From an individual support of German-speaking, golfkundigem staff, to tournaments where you can compete with other Golfbgeisterten. In addition to these generous offer, you can relax with a soothing massage or a detoxifying sauna from the strenuous workout. So you can be one of the adventure and stay at either a dream lagoon or near the sea. Enjoy the first tee on the doorstep and the ubiquitous Incomparable atmosphere of Egypt. A golfing holiday very special is waiting for you!

Google Money

Examples: Business multilevel to join and become millionaires.Personally I think that there are business MLM or multilevel very serious, whose programmes of compensation, products and network system are based on a true development of the person who converts it to MTP in entrepreneurs independientesque actually produce and earn very good money. But, unfortunately, I have also seen in the network that 99% of the alleged business multilevel offer a myriad of benefits and offer you to become a millionaire over night without doing anything and without more than invest $ X amount to subscribe. If you consider this as one of your options I recommend you investigate thoroughly and thoroughly about the proposal of the company you have in mind and which will ensure you a serious and stable working system. And eye, no money will be fast. Earn money online with Adsense.Adsense is an excellent system. In fact I use it on this blog and for me it is totally reliable because I trust in the company that owns that is Google.AdSense is indeed a system of publicidadcontextual which allows you to earn some cents for clicks that people make in advertising and an income if you have a good traffic then you have extra. But this, to offer conAdsense you can get rich from night to morning, is also false.

To be effective, this system you will have to work for a long time and build web sites, blogs or forums with excellent content and level of traffic. So now you know, who offers you to become a millionaire with Adsense, is cheating. Make money with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are sponsored by companies who seek that you associate with them and promuevas their products. This is often a good system, provided that the company is serious and reliable. Such is the case for example of Amazon.com and MercadoLibre.com have very good and with which you can earn some dineroconfiablemente and if you quickly create a network, then you might have a good potential for consumers generating you commissions.