Work Addiction

In my opinion, it is a shame that is as much work in the world. One of the saddest things is than the unique thing that a man can do during eight hours, day after day, is to work. It is possible to be eaten eight hours, neither to drink eight hours daily, nor to do the love eight hours the unique thing that can be done during eight hours is to work. And that is the reason that the man becomes so unfortunate and unfortunate to itself and to all the others. William Faulkner And it is that since we graduated already we are programmed to work without rest, to take like natural the sophism that remembers to us that at the outset one must kill itself working in festive turns and to make a capitalcito and later to loosen a little and to go down to the rate.

LIES. That chip of the work-addiction that begins to work when having the diploma that gives license us to exert, marks to us of by life, programs to us without options in the perverse tradition of to work, to work and to work . It demonstrates it to the experience. When one puts in the mixer of the work without pause, to make continuous workings without giving fitted the rest, with the ambition to hoard and to secure objects of consumption in few years, no longer he is able to loosen, to reclaim a worthy and reasonable level of labor day. He is not able to adapt itself to the smaller income than they are obtained to lower the rate. It does not know what to make with the leisure, because be permanently executing a work, lost the capacity of the delight, the delight of the hobby, the sweet slowness of the reading, the exercise, the film, the conversation to please, the friendship, the love, the games with the children and thousand etcteras, that the excess of work do not let see to us.

Public Transport

It was not only the sweat that per the morning came folloied of deodorants being successful rub-rubs, it, the xingamentos, the tension of the staff, but the heat, as it said one of the passengers, ‘ ‘ a can of sardinha’ ‘ without gravy, without oil, only the secretions including ptridos egg gases badly moved, after 1.07 hours consegu to go down a point before what it intended, it did not support more, in my inexperincia in walking in collective transports in Macei, I left house in the same hour where generally it left for the work in my car, was a tremendous error, I checked with 1.48 hours of delay, I sinned expensive closed of the colleagues covered who me, and more still an order of explanations of commands, was what it gave fondness to be politically correct in substance of transports in the alagoana capital. The Night, exausto, I changed to the collective transport for a taxi capacity, the principle the same problem, obtained to enter the force in the fifth taxi capacity for my dwelling, full the driver still stopped in some points of bus offering vacant, I frightened myself, where would go the pretense passenger? In the luggage? Thanks to God who went down a pair and soon later entered more two passengers in one fight infernal with plus ones an eight that also they wanted to enter, in summary hell of people incased only with an advantage: we were seated, even so my legs complained the bothering position where it was pressed under other legs.