The Specialist

The third chapter It raises the rationality as contradiction between rich and poor. The fourth chapter deals with the implications of the relations of production in the happiness of human beings. The fifth chapter develops the concept of Marx about happiness as a bridge to achieve the well-being of the whole of society.Some paradigms have had an important insight in the field of science, but for the common people are not easy to discuss or refute on topics they become confused and perhaps are not of interest. The degree of significance of a paradigm varies according to the importance that represents both for the specialist in the topic as for the whole of society. A paradigm is the result of the uses and customs of established beliefs of truths halfway; a paradigm is law, until it is superseded by a new one. Khun stated that everything was returning to zero to change the paradigm, but the paradigms are more complex because they act not isolated, likewise interact with others. Increasingly arise more paradigms, because understanding There are no absolute truths, that instead throughout history man has tried to move closer to an explanation scientifically validates our existence on Earth, which has generated an urgent need to arrive at the truth through various means. Science in particular has become the central axis to unveil the paradigms.

Paradigms can be in force thousands of years as a result of the interests created by some circles of power who try to extend that paradigm creating brackets and other paradigms that sustain the current paradigm. In times of crisis the old paradigms are broken to make way for a new one. The paradigm shift implies a particular vision of reality in turn. Material wealth is the accumulation of goods which have an economic value. The economic value of a good has several features. Firstly, any object must have a utility; You must have, or should have, the ability to meet human needs.


When you have suffered this great blow that ends your relationship, perhaps regret things later. There are always ways in which you can recover your boyfriend without having to act desperate. You whatever you do, don’t act desperate. Trying to manage a separation, perhaps apparent be more desperate than necessary. This can be caused by feelings that you may still have the trauma of the event. You have too many mixed feelings and don’t know exactly what should I do since you’re not with your boyfriend. You don’t behave as if you didn’t have a brain because this will make your ex is away from you. Tomato a minute.

Before you ask you repeatedly: I have to get back with my ex-boyfriend, work on improving your mindset. You should always take the time to analyze what was the real cause of your separation. This will help clarify your mind and make better decisions when you decide to talk to him. You also have to leave the past in the past for what you can continue with your own life. It lets him out with others women.

If the it is already dating other women, do not worry. In fact let it. This is a great way to make him realize what is being lost without estar Contigo. He will be aware that actually wants to be with you and not with other women. In addition to this, if you take the time to work on relationship, are going to get a lot better in the future. You boyfriend probably think the same thing and have a relationship that will last forever. There is a strategy that has been proven to win back your ex-boyfriend without all the drama. Please Click here to make your ex boyfriend want to return with you. Original author and source of the article.

Children Need Affection

Within the educational area there are three key areas that must be covered in a balanced manner: Cognoscitiva, affective and Psicomotor. The cognitive area has to do with the knowledge that they must teach the teachers the students should be learning from our children. I am not going to delve into this aspect, since the approach is the affective area. The psychomotor area or psychomotor, has to do with the exercise that make children within schools and focus that they must have balance, displacements, games equipment, etc. I ahondare not much in this since my focus is the affective area. Let us remember that our children are the extension of our love, and therefore loved must feel. Why I mention that your children need affection so that others do not give? Well think that you as parents that we are, our children must feel loved, beloved, and approved, since without these can not be successful in life.

Before coming to the school you must fix the child, breakfast and a good dose of affection (hug, Kiss and positive words), this must be a food of the journal. Another good dose of affection is when children leave school and come, must receive it with a kiss, a hug and positive words from how you did in school. Perhaps in this part some parents may do so because they work and when the children arrive they have gone to work. And in the evening before bedtime a kiss and hug and words like: that dream with the angels and Dear God. Another way that our children feel loved is when we approve of what they do, for example when they do some work like sweeping or arranging your bed or picking up trash, though they do not do so well or to our liking, we must tell you: you did well. We must not be very demanding with our children, because we can hurt them and it may come to halt.

It is true that when they start something they will do a little evil but understand that with more practice will be better. That is why we must be patient with them. Let us remember that we would have liked that we were as well. Also when our son shows us some school work should excite us and congratulate him by it showed, even if it is not well done. If we charge the battery of affection of our children well, they walk not seeking that them of affection anyone, because they will be filled with love and happiness, or even in the family, such as uncles, aunts, cousins, teachers (as), nor any other person. Fill your children’s affection so that they do not outlaw elsewhere. Fill them with love and they will be successful and successful in life. Admittedly, it may be that you didn’t receive affection from your parents, but should strive for to not pass the same with your children. Lavishes love on them and make them happy. When they are happy they will appreciate it you big. By Profe. Ramiro Ruiz Rojas P.D. If you want more articles like this: subscribe free to primary teacher by Email the original author and source of the article.

Venta Online E-commerce

What is f-commerce? E-commerce through Facebook, the largest social network in the world. A new term that marketing departments have to add to your list of tasks of the 2011. Facebook strives to be less a social network, and most e-commerce platform. And is that much has changed since the early days of Facebook that is didn’t know well what would be its business channel: it first started with Facebook Ads, he followed this with social games and the facebook credits (of which Facebook gets 30% of profits), and now the f-commerce. There are many applications that are being developed to convert the pages of company in online stores in which the user does not have to leave the social network to make the purchase.

The benefits of e-commerce focused on viral and user experience: social integration of sales, recommendations, traffic, contextualization and virality of the products are the biggest advantages. And the secret of the success goes through the usability of the applications that are used, in this case the opportunity to create a user experience is huge and must not waste it; and the integration of f-commerce in online marketing and e-commerce, brand strategy, still a change must occur in the mentality of the majority of the people. At the moment already are several brands that have proved good luck in the world of e-commerce via Facebook: Disney sells tickets, line area Delta created an own ticket sales application, and is now Asos is going to launch to sell on Facebook at the end of this month. Still no results can improve, but that it is clear that f-commerce is one of the internet marketing trends for 2011.