The third chapter It raises the rationality as contradiction between rich and poor. The fourth chapter deals with the implications of the relations of production in the happiness of human beings. The fifth chapter develops the concept of Marx about happiness as a bridge to achieve the well-being of the whole of society.Some paradigms have had an important insight in the field of science, but for the common people are not easy to discuss or refute on topics they become confused and perhaps are not of interest. The degree of significance of a paradigm varies according to the importance that represents both for the specialist in the topic as for the whole of society. A paradigm is the result of the uses and customs of established beliefs of truths halfway; a paradigm is law, until it is superseded by a new one. Khun stated that everything was returning to zero to change the paradigm, but the paradigms are more complex because they act not isolated, likewise interact with others. Increasingly arise more paradigms, because understanding There are no absolute truths, that instead throughout history man has tried to move closer to an explanation scientifically validates our existence on Earth, which has generated an urgent need to arrive at the truth through various means. Science in particular has become the central axis to unveil the paradigms.
Paradigms can be in force thousands of years as a result of the interests created by some circles of power who try to extend that paradigm creating brackets and other paradigms that sustain the current paradigm. In times of crisis the old paradigms are broken to make way for a new one. The paradigm shift implies a particular vision of reality in turn. Material wealth is the accumulation of goods which have an economic value. The economic value of a good has several features. Firstly, any object must have a utility; You must have, or should have, the ability to meet human needs.