Basel International Bank

The greenback has lost its appeal as a safe haven now that investors put aside his aversion to risk and leave in search of more profitable alternatives. Barclays Capital disseminated a fact that can not pass: between the months of April and June, central banks around the world accumulated more than half of its reserves in euros, for the first time in a period of high demand, being also the first time that purchased $ fee drops to 37%. According to the Basel International Bank of payments (BIS), the dollar accounted for 62.8% of the world’s reserves at the end of the first half, less than the end of 2008 when he explained 64% of total reserves. Pablo Guijarro, AFI plotted what is happening: it is a trend that has been dragging since 10 years ago. For some economies, secede from the dollar is linked to avoid that being tied to a currency now weak follow generating them damage. Paul Gamble, director of research at saudi Jadwa Investment Bank, warns of negative consequences for the economies of the Gulf: A persistent decline in the dollar may eventually lead to more inflation, a phenomenon that will be exacerbated by the rise in raw materials that serve as refuge against a weakened dollar value.

Is for this reason that it is still evaluating, logically in secret (since it could imply a new impact negative on the dollar affecting the reserves of these countries and their stability), the possibility to dismiss direct dependence of the greenback, situation followed with attention and enthusiasm by China given the huge volume of its trade relations with the Gulf countries. That the dollar will continue to weaken is for Pebble, a fact as well as its graduality: but even so, and despite all the pressures, the loss of prominence is and will continue to be very gradual. Unfortunately I do not see that this graduality who is observing and predicts, it will be kept, Pebble can be sustained. Increasingly, the factors that threaten the sustainability of the dollar. And to make matters worse, the absence of international cooperation is worsening the situation. Gold on the other hand, is a reflection of the situation in which the U.S. dollar.

The increase in your quote responds to the weakness of the dollar. In these times in that everybody’s looking for the way to dissociate itself from the dollar, gold may appear as a big business. In this sense, the looks are put to what China can do. China’s economy has more than 29% of the world reserves in foreign currency and only 2% of them are gold. The margin so that the Chinese Government ordered purchases of gold is broad and prospects for revaluation for the precious metal are very high. Can one think in the recovery of the dollar? It is a question which, despite some economic variables that show any signs of hope, is still negative. Horacio Pozzo opportunity investment – our Global value investment report subscribers carry over 30% gain since July. And you are it will continue losing?

Southeastern Road

Such fact lead mainly to the fast expansion of the infrastructure of road transport in the decade of 70, when the Brazilian economy grew to one average annual tax of 8,6% (BRAZIL, MME, 1997). In result of this choice the road transport if detached amongst the other ways of transport (being able to cite the railroad worker, aerial, hidrovirio and dutovirio). The road dangerous load transport in Brazil has beginning in the decade of 70, had to the economic and industrial development, mainly in the Southeastern region (Statistical Yearbook of the Transports, GEIPOT, 1995/95). Until the end of the decade of 70, according to Pimentel (1999), almost all the governmental investments had been directed for the construction of highways. However, with the extinguishing of the Deep National Road, in 1988, it had a reduction significant in the investments in the road segment, also reduction of the costs in the maintenance of the ways. This politics generated serious problems in the economy of the country, raising the costs of the transport (PIMENTEL, 1999). During the government Juscelino Kubischeck, a great investment in construction of roads occurred, what it contributed for the urbanization throughout the stretches of the highways. In this period, it occurred an intensification of the economic and industrial activities, mainly of the chemical sector, generating the necessity of transport of these materials, using itself for this of diverse modal, however, was given priority for the modal road, exactly being this, susceptible the traffic accidents, which had its massificao.

GEIPOT? Integrated Executive group of Politics of Transport. MME? Ministry of Mines and Energy. Ademais, consequently, had a consuming of the highways, had the lack of adequate maintenance and some stretches had been in pssimas conditions of traffic, what it finished contributing for the occurrence of more frequent accidents each time. Of the displayed one previously, it results that Brazil still presents a modal distribution in the load transport excessively centered in the highways, decurrent of a process that if extended per some decades and where disproportionate growth fast of the segment road if compared with the set of the too much modalities predominated.

Michael Young

Freire (2003) still criticizes that the education if summarizes only in transmitting the knowledge, and that the professor has an active paper, while the pupil, of passive reception. Please visit Chocolate if you seek more information. The resume is, of this form, off of the existencial situation of the involved people in the act to know. Freire (2003) considers a new concept of problematizadora education, in which it defends that a separation does not exist enters the act to know and what it is known and that the knowledge is always intentioned, that is, directed for some thing. The knowledge involves intercommunication and is by means of it that the men if educate. Freire (2003) conceives the pedagogical act as a dialgico act and uses, in its writings, the term contents programmarians.

However, a difference in relation to the traditional theories exists, specifically in the form as if they construct these contents. In its method, Freire (2003) uses the proper experiences of its pupils to determine the contents programmarians, becoming, thus, the significant knowledge for who learns. However, it does not deny the paper of the specialists to organize the form subjects to interdisciplinar. The contents are defined together with educating and in the reality where they are situated. Freire (2003) eliminates the difference between popular culture and erudite culture and allows that the first one also is considered knowledge that legitimately is part of the resume. As It hisses (2003), another critical movement in relation to the resume theories occurred in England, with Michael Young. This critical one was established in sociology and passed to be known as New Sociology of the Education. Differently of the other theories that had as base the critical ones on the traditional theories of education, this had as reference the old sociology of the education, that followed a tradition of empirical research on the different results produced by the educational system, worried mainly with the failure pertaining to school of children of the laboring classrooms.