Such fact lead mainly to the fast expansion of the infrastructure of road transport in the decade of 70, when the Brazilian economy grew to one average annual tax of 8,6% (BRAZIL, MME, 1997). In result of this choice the road transport if detached amongst the other ways of transport (being able to cite the railroad worker, aerial, hidrovirio and dutovirio). The road dangerous load transport in Brazil has beginning in the decade of 70, had to the economic and industrial development, mainly in the Southeastern region (Statistical Yearbook of the Transports, GEIPOT, 1995/95). Until the end of the decade of 70, according to Pimentel (1999), almost all the governmental investments had been directed for the construction of highways. However, with the extinguishing of the Deep National Road, in 1988, it had a reduction significant in the investments in the road segment, also reduction of the costs in the maintenance of the ways. This politics generated serious problems in the economy of the country, raising the costs of the transport (PIMENTEL, 1999). During the government Juscelino Kubischeck, a great investment in construction of roads occurred, what it contributed for the urbanization throughout the stretches of the highways. In this period, it occurred an intensification of the economic and industrial activities, mainly of the chemical sector, generating the necessity of transport of these materials, using itself for this of diverse modal, however, was given priority for the modal road, exactly being this, susceptible the traffic accidents, which had its massificao.
GEIPOT? Integrated Executive group of Politics of Transport. MME? Ministry of Mines and Energy. Ademais, consequently, had a consuming of the highways, had the lack of adequate maintenance and some stretches had been in pssimas conditions of traffic, what it finished contributing for the occurrence of more frequent accidents each time. Of the displayed one previously, it results that Brazil still presents a modal distribution in the load transport excessively centered in the highways, decurrent of a process that if extended per some decades and where disproportionate growth fast of the segment road if compared with the set of the too much modalities predominated.