Tocantins, ' ' a case of polcia' ' Summary the Tocantins is the state new of the federacy, created with current constitution of 1988, was born with perspective of prosperity of then the region north of the state of Gois, that extremely was abandoned by the public administrations, doubtlessly the prosperity arrives at the state, but the problems brought for it are innumerable, at the moment to more afflict the population are the violence in all its sources, what already he was perceived of empirical form now presents if scientifically with the research of the PNUD, the violence were pointed as main concern of the population of Palms capital of the Tocantins. Words key: violence, research, public security. Abstract The Tocantins is the newest state of the federation, created with the current constitution of 1988, was born with the prospect of prosperity then the northern state of Gois, which was abandoned by the very public efforts undoubtedly prosperity reaches the state, but the problems brought will be it ploughs numerous, the most grief when the population is violence in all its aspects, which was already seen to only far has been scientifically empirical research with the UNDP, the violence was appointed the main concern of the population Palms capital of Tocantins. Keywords: violence, research, public safety. Introduction In 2009 the PNUD – Program of United Nations for the Development carried through a Brazil research Point the Point made the question ' ' What it needs to change in Brazil its life to move of really? ' ' , even so the indices of homicides are considered low in relation to other states of the federacy the Tocantins were in first place with regard to the subject violence, are the main concern of the population of the state youngest of the country. The coordinator of the RDH Brazil, Flvio Comim, affirmed.
Monthly Archives: January 2013
The Population
they concurred for the task to interpret for the population place, ' ' novidades' ' of the time. For example, the first ones wanted a diletante club, of parties and would honor; ' ' put literatos' ' they wanted the debate, the leaf printed and the mood against what they denounced delay of the Country and the population. Galhofa that it seemed to intimidate the established ones and that became them ferinos in the critical one the bohemian customs, relating this style of life to ' ' putrefao moral' '. Reactionary seduction of the established ones that they coexisted, for the moralista approach with the great modern impasses, even so, in the Europe, similar sorts the aristocrats and bohemians if collated in the premessengers who the Belle poque nervously procurve to dissimulate, forgetting the threats the continental war, them totalitarismos and of the barbarity that went up to around the European civilization and its decanted progress latent. It was decanted, however, the modern myth that Science made to unclasp in the beliefs of many intellectuals when attending machines and great cities to transform the landscape into less of one generation. In counterpart, the sensation of impotence ahead of history, that is romantically defended ' ' master of vida' ' e, then, did not obtain to follow this weak and wild time.
it created this feeling of moral impotence. However, the time of the speed and the discovery that assumed, mainly, the notice spread quickly in the body of the texts printed matters, ahead made possible the daily confrontation of ideas and position of ' ' novidades' ' that they came of the capital of the Country or distant lands. The periodic ones improvised that appeared where want that if surrounding scholars spread and the latent conflict between the romanesca erudio and the modernity of pasquim jocoso and deleterious is examples of this moment of strikes of deep moralista, literary politician and.
Municipal Secretary
The fact is that some managers already start to visit Palms, was the case of mayor Helder Igncio Salomo of the city of Cariacica? YOU ARE, that it received reference from the MEC? Ministry of the Education on the good education of the tocantinense capital. The municipal net extends offers of vacant, in Quadra 1,306 South (Arse 132), where the City hall develops a habitation program, was announced opening of licitation for construction of School of Integral Time? ETI, having still a forecast of delivery of the ETI in the sector F Saint in the December month, is visible the transformation of the palmense education. The structures physics of the pertaining to school units are enviable, primando for the cleanness, for the comfort, offer of pedagogical didactic material, real valuation of the professionals, that does not pass only for 14 wage granted to the professionals in which the schools reaches average 6,0 in the IDEB, but also concession of after-graduation courses that are certainly valuation for all life of the professional. Conclusion However, the distinguishing factor of extreme importance of the education must be the proximity that the necessary manager to keep of the team, not of one ‘ ‘ stocking dzia’ ‘ of people, but of all the involved ones in the educational process. It is basic factor for a good administration who the manager is knowing really as they are and what they think commanded its, therefore messages of third never transmits integrally the truth. Justice must be clamada, the results needs to be commemorated independent of the options politics and partisans of each citizen, certainly are fruit of the administration carried through for the Secretary as manager of the Municipal Secretary of the Education, that becomes its good ideas in action through the support of Mayor Municipal, thus, she is necessary sincerely to congratulate to both and to that they make the education of Palms a case of success of public administration.