This intervention by NATO in the former Yugoslavia, the occupation of Kosovo (Serbian province’s ethnic Albanian majority), the creation of a shield anti-missile on the territory of Poland and the Czech Republic and, therefore, joined the rush of Washington for hosting in the Alliance to two border countries Ukraine and Georgia located in the most sensitive confines for the defense of Russia. But there is more: the ultra-conservative circles of Washington not concealing his interest in facilitating the desrusificacion of the former Soviet provinces that boast a high percentage of people of Russian origin. It is the case of the Baltic States, but also of countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan, where the percentage of Russian-speaking exceeds, in most cases, 5-10% of the population. Moscow is committed to defending the interests of these populations, which allows you to promote a so-called nationalist sentiment to facilitate the expansion of the zone of influence of the Federation. The thirst for greatness has little to do, however, with the nostalgia of the monolithic Soviet Union. In reality, Russian leaders want to regain the coveted reputation of the era of the tsars, the Russia that codeaba, without complexes, with the great colonial empires of the 19th century: Germany, France, or England. To understand the feelings of the Muscovite politicians, the kremlinologos should review history textbooks.
While Europeans continue to think in the most effective way of encircling the Russian bear, the hypothetical Chinese ally does not seem very prone to join the tactic of the tongs. Beijing has, in effect, their own strategic problems, call these Taiwan or Tibet. Without forgetting, of course, the fledgling but highly disturbing fundamentalist threat in most provinces Muslim. At the moment, the success of the encirclement of Russia seems unlikely. However, the Kremlin leaders warn their Western partners: make No mistake to choose its allies. Bet on the enemies of Russia would be a historic mistake. It remains to be see whether West is able to interpret and internalize the message.