Energy Managers Feel

Only 12 percent of the participants of a recent survey of bar field & partner are affected by crisis-related cuts Mulheim immediately, November 24, 2009 – the reputation of the energy and chemical industries, right when compared to many other sectors to be crisis-resistant, more has been confirmed also in 2009 once. This results in a recent survey of the international management consultancy bar field & Partner GmbH, the 6,000 specialists and executives of the energy and chemical industries have participated in. Then, only 7 per cent of all respondents assess the mood in their companies as bad. The majority of respondents (63 percent) speaks of a rather mediocre operating climate. 30 percent are even positive. There is no significant difference between the two industries is to make out. Overlooking its own welfare and the personal situation of crisis, it can be stated that more than two-thirds of respondents of which feels little or nothing.

Another 20 percent expect only medium-term consequences for themselves. 12 percent of respondents oppose affected directly by the crisis-related cuts. These include especially the participants from the chemical company. You will feel the impact of the economic crisis more frequently than their counterparts from the energy industry. So far, at every third company employees were dismissed due to the crisis. A significant difference to the energy companies, where only 12 percent of employees are affected. In addition, that short-time working is practiced currently in about 40 percent of the companies of the chemical industry.

In the energy sector, there are only 9 per cent, while another 13 percent is expected soon with this measure. “If you look at the measures taken by the company to press against the effects of the crisis, one comes across a wide range of already implemented or planned in the short term alternative courses of action. In the first place of the action plan is the reduction of overtime and time deposits. Also be vacant positions target no longer after occupied by many companies and at the same time, the temporary work reduced. When first mentioned in fourth, so it comes in quite a few companies to operational redundancies”, explains Claus-Peter bar field, Managing Director of bar & Partner GmbH. The survey results also show that the company largely involve their staff in the implementation of the measures adopted or at least sufficiently inform them. 71 percent of all respondents feel well informed by their company. 25 percent feel the communication on crisis measures as mediocre and only 4 percent feel left in the dark. The fact that measures to bind the employees in the crisis be continued unchanged in most companies is encouraging from the perspective of human resource management. Only 13 percent of respondents report that their employer appropriate programs, such as training and development activities were greatly scaled back or even set. Since its founding in 1981 the Mulheim-based company focused and Management consulting bar field & Partner GmbH their advisory activities on the recruitment of senior executives of first and second level. In addition the support of businesses in the occupation of supervisory and advisory functions. In the context of mergers & acquisitions activity bar field & partner gives medium-sized companies and Group investments. Contact: bar & Partner GmbH international management consulting Annika Barenfeld Bahnstrasse 40 45468 Mulheim 0208 450 45 0 0208 444 55 25 press contact: GB-the PublicityExperten Dr. Alfried large Ruhr stone 37 c 45133 Essen 0201 8419594