
The images are several with which the city of Parnamirim if makes remembered: the urban and agricultural Church of Santana, families, towns, farms and its environments in which it was custom to have annual celebrations and parties as the Parties of Are Joo, Parties of July, Vaquejadas, Passover, Christmas, New Year and Carnival. Beyond the first families who represented the cultural life of Parnamirim, already cited in previous chapters, also it has the agricultural places that, in the past, very they had been commented: the farms and properties that had always had prominence for being addresses of picnics, excursions and vacation of students of the region. Beyond these farms and towns of Angicos, Caiara and Poo of Fumo, rivers and streams of the Well of the Door and Barrage of the Brgida, next to the headquarters to the city, they had other places for where was custom of children and grandsons of the pioneers to come back of the capital in vacation. Among these they are still distinguished Humait, Belmonte, Quixad, Mandassaia, Spring, Quixaba, Palestine, Canafstula, Sipaba, Surubim, Timbaba, Are Joaquin, Are Domingos, Guarani and Farm of the Pear trees, these last most distant ones of the headquarters, in the direction of the New Land city. In the urban zone of Parnamirim, some commercial establishments that before had in the main streets, today are only souvenirs or possess other names, such as: the Store of Z Magalhes, the Market of Manoel Lopes, the Restaurant of Elcira, the Coffee of Anazite and the Bar of Give, points that symbolized the nocturnal urban life of the 1962 city the 1972.

Showing its resistance, the only store that still if finds, in the same place, ampler and brought up to date it is the Store of Lurdes Owner Rasp. However, the public places of functioning of the public agencies and building, such as: City hall, Public Library, schools and pharmacy, as well as squares, gardens, hotels, restaurants, bars, road and dams, which are part only of the memory of some. Everything moved of place, even though the building of colonial architecture that represented the memory of the city more does not exist. But it remains the souvenir of the Club Recreativo Bosom that started to be school and today it holds the Secretariat of Education and the Public Library. The Clubs Dawn and the Palhoa still receive the livened up ones from the city in festive occasions, however, although what it exists, perceive that it lacks the preservation notion and the incautiousness for the common wealth, beyond the absence of commitment in conserving the historicidade of these environments, these factors are capable to erase monuments, erasing lives, with the danger to lose the cultural identity and to signal for the threat to have that to recriar a reference any as history.