Costumamos to consider the recycled paper as the best alternative to paradiminuir the ambient impact, but with the dissemination of papelproveniente of manejadas areas sustainable famous white stamp FSC opapel certifyd has obtained to equalize the impact ambientalatravs of the sustainable manejamento of the substance cousin and arrives umponto where it is practically equal. In accordance with Elizabeth de Carvalhaes, director of the Bracelpa, the white paper deorigem certified are equivalent to the recycled paper, in terms deimpacto ambient, therefore both have origin in planted forests. Thinking about this, the Bagnews company, launched in Brazil, a bag depapel reutilizvel Kraft, reciclvel, biodegradvel and with spaces parapublicidade, that start to be distributed gratuitously paracomerciantes of the region of Amaro Saint, South zone of the So Paulo capital. The objective of the partners is to talk back in Brazil the carried through experience> nEspanha, where the project was launched has three years and must reach onmero of 100 million distributed bags.The Brazilian project gained apoioda City hall of So Paulo, that included the initiative in the campaign ' ' Euno I am of plstico' ' , that it has the objective to reduce the consumption plastic deembalagens. More information can be found in the daprpria site company in the address.