Capital Port Old Region

This agreement a little forgotten by history, received name from Treat to Madrid, and was Important for Brazil, therefore all region North and Center-West of the country, at that time belonged to Spain. Oliveira (2002) in accordance with says that the treat one to Tordesilhas, the region where if they locate the valleys of the Guapor, Mamor and Madeira, they belonged to Spain, to put, the So Paulo bandeirantes had busy this region in century XVIII, from 1734, where they had established you vary populations in the neighborhoods of garimpos of gold, despertando interest in the Portuguese Crown for the definitive ownership of the land, what it occurred in 1748 with the creation of the captainship of the Mato Grosso. Thus with the treated one to Madrid, the Portuguese had been able with the region, that had a colossal extension, enclosing the area where today this situated been o of the Mato Grosso of the South, Mato Grosso and almost all the area that currently constitutes the state of Rondnia. Thus he had a race for the population of the right edge of the valleys of the Guapor, Mamor and Madeira. e your knowledge. The current rondoniense territory started to be busy for the Europeans from 1723, with the foundation of the Village De Santo Antonio, for the Jesuit Priest Sampayo Joo in the neighborhoods of the waterfall of the same name to the right edge of the river Wood, and with the gold discovery in 1744, in the river corumbiara, tributary of the edge of the right of the river Guapor, for the So Paulo bandeirantes Antonio de Almeida Moraes and Tristo of the Stammering Wedge (OLIVEIRA, 2002, P.42) the village of Saint Antonio, years later was called Saint Antonio of the River Wood, (currently the place constitutes a quarter ofthe Capital Port Old). On the povoamento of the region, we cannot forget us Dom Antonio Rolim de Moura, who according to Lopes (2005, P.16) ' ' in the year of 1749 it arrived of fluvial boat, in the mouth of the river Sepotuba with the river Paraguay, little above of where today is the city of Cceres? MT' '.