YARACUY Yaracuy derives its name from the voices “Yara-Yarai” which America’s source means “water grab” and Cui-Cu-i “,” over there “so Yaracuy means TAKE AWAY FROM WATER. The previews Yaracuy written history begins in 1530, over German Nicolas Federman, Weltz lieutenant governor. In relation to the jurisdiction belzaresca trip, called it a Valle de Las Damas, because the Indians found that they are beautiful and slender. During the colonial period, consisted showtimes of the Province of Caracas. The Constitution of 1811, I link to Barquisimeto, in the constitution adopted on June 23, 1824 is awarded to the Province of Carabobo by the May 29, 1832 went back to the province of Barquisimeto on 15 March 1855, was first given as PERSONERIA own Yaracuy Province, composed of the counties of San tickets. Felipe, Yaritagua and Nirgua capital Dominica San Felipe, was the second national entity to be identified by the name of state with the advent of the Federal War and this in 1859, but officially it is only with the triumph of the revolution den 1864. By filing the Plenipotentiary Conference of 1879 the State reduction step to integrate the State with North West and Flacon Barquisimeto, but this came only territorial division until 1881 that became known Gran Estado Lara, Barquisimeto subdivided into sections and Section Yaracuy. In the early 1892’s recovery to lose their autonomy 28 December of that same Visit Movie year, in which I will rejoin Barquisimeto. On April 22, 1899, the Congress resolves for movie information twenty federal states, which include the State Yaracuy incorporandosele Nirgua locality, which then belonged to Carabobo since then there have been more changes and Yaracuy enjoys full autonomy. The stocks that make up the Yaracuy are: SAN FELIPE MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY Bol var Municipality AR STIDES BASTIDAS BRUZUAL INDEPENDENCE MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY Cocorote Jos Antonio P ez MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY OF TRINIDAD MANUEL MONGE Nirgua MUNICIPALITY SUCRE PE A MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY Urachiche VEROES Cultural diversity is present in the Earth Magica Yaracuyana CUSTOMS The population has very simple and ingenious ways, from its picturesque dialect in everyday life to the popular games.