President Dutra

The gotten values of the fretico level are compared with data of the monitoramento carried through during the period of February of 1980 until April of 1982 (War 1986). 1,4 DEGRADATION OF the WAY IN the REGION OF 1.4.1 IRECE Localization and Characterization of the Region microregion of Irec consists in the economic region n 11 of the state of the Bahia, and bes situated enters 1012? 1220? of South Latitude and 4120? 4317? of Longitude West, in the Northwest of the State, total inserted in the Half-barren one. Figure 01 – Source: I KNOW, 1996. The region bes situated in the State of the Bahia, the mesorregio Center-North of the territory of the State, called Microregion de Irec, codified with number 135, and meets inserted in the Chapada Northern Diamantina in the right edge of the Lake of Sobradinho. Geographically the georeferenciada localization points out the region of the campus in the central part of the State of the Bahia between the coordinates 956' 1228' of south latitude and 4047' 4253' of longitude west enclosing the cities of Irec? city headquarters – Golden America, Bar of the Mendes, You sprout of Macabas, Heathen of the Gold, Ibipeba, Ibitit, Ipupiara, Itaguau of the Bahia, Golden Joo, Jussara, Lapo, Are Gabriel, Xique-Xique, High Adobe, Cafarnaun, Canarana, Central office, President Dutra, and Uiba, which is, total or, partially inserted in the hidrogrficas basins of the rivers Green and Alligator. The rivers Green and Alligator are affluent of the right edge of the river San Francisco, being that its hidrogrficas basins enclose in its totality, the Sanfranciscana Depression, Plateau of Irec and the Chapada Diamantina, corresponding to a 18,150 surface of approximately km (Bahia, 1995). Figure 02 – Source: Committee of Basin Hidrogrfica of the Rivers Green and Jacar (CBHVJ). Having as reference the capital of the State, Salvador, reaches Irec for the BR-324 until the city of Fair of Santana, following for highways BA-052 (Road of the Beans).