What Was The Year 2007

People around the world worried about global warming and warmer winters, and environmentalists have Russian professional day and protested against the new nuclear power plants. We offer a recall of certain events that occurred in the past year. Anomalous winter 2007 New Year's Eve Otgulyav 2006-2007, the Russians worried the lack of snow in January in the European part of the country and the unprecedented warmth. In Moscow, January temperatures often rise above 8 degrees Celsius, weather forecasters and meteorologists Russian only shake their heads, waiting for trouble. Moreover, the first linked the unusual warmth with a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the second – with anticyclones. Physicians, in turn, noted the increasing number of suicides, allegations of blood pressure, headaches and alcohol psychosis and recommended immediately contact their doctors. In Odessa, for the first hundred and forty years Snowdrops bloom that threatened to become a symbol of Odessa winter.

Following the snowdrops blossomed and fragrant viburnum, and lilacs, and hellebore Caucasian. Odessa botanists were at a loss how to behave in plants Later, as the unprecedented nature of the processes occurring in nature, made them extremely cautious forecasts. As for the 'Northern Capital', Saint-Petersburg, in the first week of January, it was a flood, it was the first in 2007 year and 302 in the history of the city. Cypriot tanker spilled off the coast of Norway, 370 tons of oil in the beginning of the year off the coast of Norway collected oil spill.