
The coureiro-caladista industry of the Valley of the Bells is based on small average companies manufacturers of feminine leather footwear, having in its return other companies who compose the productive chain. Around this structure a organizacional structure with 6 industrial associations, 2 professional associations, 1 company was formed organizer of events, 4 technological centers for the specialized rendering of services and training of man power, beyond the schools techniques and existing schools of superior level in the region. In Votuporanga? SP, exists an established productive structure in small average producing companies of furniture, and the specialization of the companies in specific stages of the production process is sufficiently common. The grouping calls attention for the organization and the participation on local organizations the industry. Shared programs of certification of quality and programs of implantation of centers of technologies and qualification of man power exist in the region. From then on strong potential for the generation of positive externalidades was created, to leave mainly of the cooperation process that if establishes enters the participant agents of the process. Between the cited examples, one perceives that they are centered in the regions south and Southeastern, what it characterizes that to develop the competitiveness, the MPEs need a set of specific territorial assets.

Then it is not only enough to stimulate implantation of accumulations, but concomitantly to offer assets that potencializem the production and the commercialization of this production. The heterogeneidades regions make with that to be to have success in a strategy of accumulations, the solutions must be differentiated by territory, also involving of differentiated form the involved actors. The State must act as a market regulator, without in it intervening, to stimulate other partners; to develop the human and social capital; to stimulate the associativismo, to desburocratizar, to reduce the taxation, and finally, to democratize the access to the credit and other competitive advantages.