Toledo: Toledo ancient weapon a few kilometers from Madrid on the River Tagus, is the ancient capital of Spain – Toledo. ‘Crown of Spain and the light of the world’ – the ancient name of the former capital of Spain. This is a city of craftsmen, City gunsmiths and artisans. Praise Toledo – edged weapon. Deposits of iron ore nearby, and the constant wars in the Middle Ages led to the development of weapons trade, which has glorified the city and Toledo steel throughout world.
It is known that the famous Toledo steel is made in the medieval Arabic recipe. Cold steel of Toledo is dedicated to all. You will not find a single street, which would not have been at least one – two gun shops. Toledo – exceptional city, worthy of admiration. And long trips. City and continues to forge edged weapons and not just for tourists but also to special order the armies of many countries. The tourists can buy in Toledo cheap souvenirs – and simulate the real Toledo Blade made of steel, which is not worse than this Damascus steel. Here you can buy the original souvenir weapon within 100 – 150 euros, which is not prohibited taken out of Spain.
Moreover, the jewelry display cases, to the delight of tourists, the master, as of old, weaving gold and silver ornaments on a black enamel. Highly prized as Toledo silk and ceramics. In Toledo you can enjoy Spanish wines. Wines of the region (La Mancha) have a wonderful and unique taste bouquet. Domenico Teotokopuli Greek, known to the world under the name El Greco, Greek by origin, is considered to be a great Spanish artist. He lived and worked in Toledo, where he died and was buried. His works are kept in the Museum of Santa Cruz (Museo de Santa Cruz) in the Jewish quarter of the city. It kept his famous painting ‘The Ascension’, but the most impressive of his works – ‘The Burial of Count Orgaz’ – in the church of Santo Tome (Iglesia de Santo Domes). In the foreground is El Greco painted himself with his son, and Cervantes, the author of the famous adventure Hidalgo. Cervantes called Toledo honor and the light of Spain and burst de Vega – the heart of Spain. Which is not only the epithets bestowed Toledo, calling it a Stone fan of Spain, the Spanish and the Spanish Pompeii Kyoto! Today Toledo is officially a museum. In whole town was almost not changed for centuries. Until now, the narrow streets of Toledo chivalrous spirit soars. This city is remembered for ever to all those who visited him at least once in their lives.