Six million immigrants in the world are smaller of 4 years. Many are victims of kidnappings, deals with people and segregation. Near 17,000 juniors, all of them Mexican and Central American immigrants who traveled single, were repatriates the year last, according to informed east Monday the National Commission into Human rights (CNDH) into Mexico, whose president, Raul Plascencia, noticed that east type of migration has grown. According to Plascencia explained, in 2010 the migratory authorities of the country registered near 14,000 " events of repatriation of not accompanied Mexican minors from the United States, original in its majority of the states of Oaxaca, Michoacn, Guerrero, Sonora and Puebla". In addition, in that year almost 3,000 foreign minors were detected that they traveled single within the national territory, who were given back to their countries of origin, in their majority of Central America, but also of the Caribbean, South America, Europe and Asia. The president of the CNDH presented these data during Forum the International on nonaccompanied or separated children, children and migrant adolescents of its family, inaugurated east Monday in City of Mexico and that will conclude the next Wednesday.
The appointment, that reunites to international experts in the Museum Memory and Tolerance, was summoned by the CNDH, the Organization the International for Migraciones (OIM), the High Commissioner of United Nations for the Refugees in Mexico (ACNUR) and Bottom of United Nations for the Childhood (Unicef), among others. Plascencia said that before this panorama in Mexico, the CNDH fortifies their programs of vulnerable attention to groups s to investigate possible violations to the rights of the juniors, that go from the kidnapping, deals with people, discrimination, I mistreat, segregation, until the loss of the life. In recent days a Salvadoran girl of eight years who was transferred by dealers of people from El Salvador to the United States was violated and left in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The minor was rescued by the Mexican police and given to its grandmother, who took finally it to the USA. In the Forum one inquired into which in the world there are 214 million immigrants, of whom 11 million have of 15 to 19 years, 9 million from 10 to 14, 7 million of 5 to 9 years, and 6 million of zero to 4 years. Source of the news: The USA repatriated in 2010 17,000 Central American and Mexican children who traveled single