As to construct its proper website, of descomplicada, gratuitous form, using a professional tool very. This tool is so bonanza that I entirely possess many coonstrudos sites with it. I am speaking of: WordPress. Then, what it is the WordPress? If you will be a person made familiar to blogs, you probably you know very well the WordPress. But for that they do not know what it is, the WordPress is one ‘ ‘ engine of sites’ ‘. An engine of sites is a tool that can be installed in a server, and from it you can add and manage the content, the appearance and all the too much aspects of its site, through simple interfaces, many times similar to text publishers who we costumamos to use (former: Microsoft Word). Of this form, any person can create, bring up to date and manage a site complete, of descomplicada form. As to create its site with WordPress First I want to remember that to have a really professional site you must have a proper domain (for example:).
To obtain this, you will have to contract a lodging server and to acquire its domain. But, in the case of you, for the time being, not yet to make question to have its proper domain, you will be able to use any one of the two options below to create its site with WordPress still today! In you can create an account in the site, (as if she was creating one of email) and have access a WordPress directly its, without the least to need to install nothing. He is to hiper simple, none does not have difficulty, and you can start in 3 minutes. The only problem is that this site alone offers the service of WordPress and you will not be able to house more there nothing (for example: it will not be able to house images, archives, or to install other tools). To another gratuitous option it is This server offers 1 GB of space, and in it you will be able to install and to house everything that to want. It still offers some tools that can be installed with one simple ‘ ‘ click’ ‘ , between them if it finds the WordPress. It finds more tips in.