In the last year they occupied the first places of usuary consultations to pages pornographic of Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Spain. The monthly average of individual exhibition to this available material in the network, was of 60 minutes. The greater volume of consulting is people majors of 50 years, followed by a segment that goes between people of to 35 the 20 years and a third user group between the 35 and 50 years. 70% of those who accedes to these sites, do it in the day, choosing between the variety of 100 thousand sites of audio-visual and photographic Internet that offer pornography with written material, of all the categories. Pornography and Satanism The discoveries of crimes related to the shooting of films for adults as well as the elaboration of material of high sexual content, show that exists one close relation between the pornography, especially that one that is known like " Hard" or heavy, and the occultist practices. The Commission on Pornography General prosecutor in the United States, elevated a voice of alarm in 1986 back calculates how many years by the proliferation of material " pesado" to that easily they could accede young in bookstores of material for adults. The Commission studied and made a listing of 5.420 titles different from books, film and magazines that were in these stores. We must indicate that, practically in all the cases, the title of the pornographic material at issue adjusts enough with exactitude to its content.
Approximately half of the titles examined by the Commission included obscenities. People who have escaped of the Satanism attest that its Satan adoration was related to extreme sexual practices, consumption of pornography and all luck of perversions that are more and more improbable in magazines, films, photographies and material published in the Internet. In the waiting room of ceremonies of adoration to Satan, many of the medical instructors are exposed later to pornography that feeds its perverse desires, materialized in the misas blacks.