Commercial Announcements

One scores at the planning of the product; one is to find a concept winning, without this is not successful. Conceptual test; they are soundings in search of the concept that is the identification characteristic. The information looks for if that is emitted, is perceived as it is tried, according to diverse parameters. These parameters are: the 1 – attraction: a warning that does not draw attention is dead. This becomes by means of diverse test; by means of a false magazine, a magazine with certain things is to him people to see that they choose, this way is moderate " Atraccin".

2 – intelligibility; that is to say, the announcement must be understood. People act based on which she understands. 3- creativity; aid to that the product is accepted with greater firmness. 4- persuacin; the publicity must convince, is not enough to present/display a benefit. For it a reception test is realised, in which several followed announcements of purchase maneuverses appear. The election is the index of purchases or persuacin that have a product. 5 – parameter of the retentive one; the recollection test is applied.

It is requested to him to name different marks and if it is not the exhibited product, that warning is a failure because it does not have to be able of retentive. A warning has to be: attractive, understandable, persuasive, memorable and credible. How they arise good ideas? ; there are prescriptions no to conceive good ideas. What yes it has is an informative prefeeding, that is to say, we must consider: to know the product exautivamente, or reading, informing to us, technical interviews of the company. Therefore so that they appear the good ideas it is necessary to know the product. The advertising communication has two functions: " informar" and " convencer". Here you will find, like constructing Commercial Announcements, musical phrases for jingles, commercial of radio (Podcasts, Spot, Opening); besides other sections in central page: Sports, Computation, Health, Painting, Languages and, articles of quality verified more for your personal and spiritual development. Original author and source of the article.