The Exchange

It can be affirmed that the learning happens for an inlaid natural process of affectivity, relation and motivation. Thus, to learn &#039 is essential; ' poder' ' to make it, what it make reference to reference to the capacities, the knowledge, strategies to the necessary dexterities, for this &#039 is necessary; ' querer' ' to make it, to have the enough disposal, intention and the motivation. To have good pertaining to school results the pupils need to place as much voluntariedade as ability, what he leads to the necessity to integrate the psychological aspects in such a way, as the motivacionais. The motivation is a process that if of the one in the interior of the citizen, being, however, closely on to the exchange relations that the same establish with the way, mainly, its professors and colleagues. In the pertaining to school situations, the interest is indispensable so that the pupil has reasons of action in the direction to assume itself of the knowledge. The motivation is a factor that must be questioned in the context of the education having great importance in the analysis of the educative process. The motivation is presented as the dynamic aspect of the action: it is what it takes the subject to one to act, that is, it takes what it to initiate an action, to guide it in function of certain objectives, to decide its persecution and its term. The motivation is, therefore, the process that mobilizes the organism for the action, from a relation established between the environment, the necessity and the object of satisfaction. This means that, in the base of the motivation, it is always an organism that presents a necessity, a desire, an intention, an interest, a will or a predisposition to act. The motivation is also enclosed the environment that stimulates the organism and that it offers the satisfaction object.