Terminal of passengers with 5.400 m ; 2. Load terminal with 40.000 m ; 3. Tower of control; 4. Parking for 355 vehicles; 5. Snack bar; 6. Point of taxi.
Such installed infrastructure cannot be considered complete, a time that apparatuses of control of air traffic as radio beacon, pointer of slope, meteorological station of surface and permissionria station of aeronautical telecommunications not yet are available. Although the equipment already exists, they had not been installed, what it disables landings and takes-off> in normal situations Rio De Janeiro is carried through by four company (Tam, Goal, Varig and Ocean Air) and with availability of schedules and prices conducted for offer and look for, being established a relation of competition and dispute for passengers, kept the ratios of flow between Bauru and So Paulo and So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro, respectively. Already the International Airport Governing Frank Andres Montoro, Cumbica, in Guarulhos (SP), had flow of eighteen million users in 2007, what it motivated the Federal Government to initiate workmanships for construction of one third terminal capable to extend the capacity of absorption for twenty and nine million. In phase of projects they are a train of passengers that binds to the complex to the city of So Paulo and a road ring. With these activities, the area of the airport will be extended in 138.574> IBGE published research on the regions of influence of the cities, in which Bauru is classified as capital regional C, that is: Regional capital is 70 centers that, as the metropolises, also become related with the superior estrato of the urban net. With capacity of management in the immediately inferior level to the one of the metropolises, they have area of influence of regional scope, being related as destination, for a set of activities, for great number of cities. This level also has three subdivises: Regional capital (11 cities, with medium of 955 a thousand inhabitants and 487 relationships); Regional capital B (20 cities, with medium of 435 a thousand inhabitants and 406 relationships); Regional capital C (39 medium cities with of 250 a thousand inhabitants and 162 relationships).