Letter Shop As A High Performer Of Deutsche Post AG

Save for sending mailing postage system long saving has lost its negative connotation: in times of difficult market conditions, rather, it is a commandment of economic reason, to use resources most effectively. Highly professional acting on behalf of customer letter shop teams strive therefore in concept, design, production and shipping of mailings, so that each order with optimum value for money can be handled. So, they ensure that high-quality and promotional mailings do not become the excessive strain on the budget of the customers. Rather he can effectively plan the saved resources for weitereMarketingmassnahmen and – ideally in turn using the technically perfect the lettershop-crew – efficiently. Price-conscious clients appreciate that lettershop pros realize their objective of the cost-saving processing of orders, where they always have the entire mailing production chain at a glance and think this time across. Just one example: when the fixed cost-saving Lettershops not only then apply postage optimization for sending mailing if the mailing is ready for shipment and should be stamped. Already in the mailing conception and design, they have the postage optimization “on the screen”: for example, if the planning determined that the finished mailing only a few grams is too heavy for the next lower group of Porto.

In this case the lettershop professionals have smart alternatives both variants, that absolutely do not go to the detriment of advertising effectiveness ready, E.g. due to format changes info flyers etc or using the originally single-based info letter – back. Like when the weight can be vigorously to save also by changing the mailing format in Porto. So E.g. the DIN-long format (235 x 114 mm) or the compact format (235 x 125 mm) are more favourable as regards weight and postage for mailings that initially A 5 were designed in DIN. Eventually it might also want to reconsider the number: will be the minimum quantity for a lower discount level is not achieved, often compared to the newsletter or normal rate cheaper, just the postage for the non-existent consignments to pay on it.