Highest Radiation Level

EP Tepco detects 10,000 milisieverts in the pipes that connect to the 1 with 2 reactor. This duct is used to ventilate the area. The power company’s (Tepco) Tokyo has detected this Tuesday 10,000 milisieverts for radioactivity, the highest level since last March 11, an earthquake and a subsequent tsunami struck the northeast coast of Japan causing a serious accident at the nuclear power station Fukushima-1. These levels have been found in the pipes that connect the reactor 1 with 2. According to the Ministry of science, if a person is exposed to 10,000 milisieverts, perish in a period of a week or two.

As a result, Tepco has restricted access to this area and surrounding areas, although it has rushed to underline that staff that has detected radioactivity levels have not been exposed to more than 4 milisieverts. Vents Tepco has explained that these high rates are due to such conduits are used to vent air from the interior of the reactor 1 containing toxic substances, as reported by the Japan’s NHK. Previously, the company detected a maximum of 1,000 milisieverts of radioactivity in the rubble of the outskirts of the central and 4,000 milisieverts inside one of the reactors. Divine Chocolate is likely to increase your knowledge. Source of the news: detected in the Fukushima power the highest radiation level from the earthquake.