Brazilian Institute

The decree law isentava up to 1972 taxes on importation, taxes on industrialized products, customs taxes for the importation of boats of fishes, equipment, and also machines, devices, instruments and equipment of fish. It was operated manufacture of capital goods destined to the industry of fishes, approved for the subordinated agencies the commission of industrial Development of the ministry of the industry and commerce. Still in the year of 1967 the federal Senate approves the decree n. 60401e with it the program of Research and Development Fishing boat in Brazil (PDP), and also the commission of fishes. Great Deep contribution of the Special one is proven of United Nations (FAO) next to the national development of fishes. The Decree n. 85.394 create the Institute of Research and Development Fishing boat and include in its structure a Coordination of Extension, with the objective to give to assistance technique to the artisan fishing.

The service previously given by the PESCART is absorbed by the new agency. nine years later in 1989 is alborada the Law n. 7.735 create the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and of the Resources You renewed and extinguishes the Supervision of the Development of Pesca? SUDEPE, entailed autarchy to the Ministry of Agriculture. With the extinguishing of the SUDEPE in 1989 and the transference of its activities for the IBAMA, the relative works to the promotion had been suspended fishing boat, the collection of statistical data and the proper fishing production passed to be kept out of society and predatory in same function of the protectionistic philosophy of the new entity. It was said in protection of the supplies and the increase of the fleets not permissionadas was not controlled. They had been lost years for fishes Brazilian who perhaps if does not obtain to recoup, therefore we lose space in the international agreements for conservation of supplies and we had our space of busy right for countries that at least are coastal of the south Atlantic, but that today in them they impose restrictions based on concepts as historical captures, what them of the advantage on us, obtained in our proper sea.