Everyone had the opportunity to see the other day statements of two of them saying, words textual, () have received direct orders from superiors to no action against ETA and its environment () in everything that touched the radical left had to act differently because there was a political predisposition clear to not stop all those people () is my greatest desire to be able to read in the press that we have finally caught a command of ETA from the research and not the chance that encounter with a patrol vessel () there are quite a few senior commanders that are in the orbit of the PNV. They are his bosses and Lords, and will have to watch with magnifying glass many people () hope of change, a very big hope, especially for work, and work on the problems that it has this society. To my I like to come to my house and feel that I have done with my work. Until now I have not lived much this attack in Biscay is not anything other than a warning to the Ertzaintza. ETA tries to say the Basque police are able to reach who they want, when they want and where they want. It would be quite easy to ramble where would be ETA if the Ertzaintza has entered into the fight against terrorism since 1982. It is very likely that, today, we were talking about the terrorist group as a reality of past, but not so.
In the comments on the text link at the beginning I found everything, but let’s say that what is most evident is the general disgust by the Covenant PSE-EE PP. there who keeps on saying that it was not necessary, that the logical thing would have been a PNV-PSE-EE Pact. Am not going to deny that I, am one of the people who dislike the current Covenant Moreover, I not mistaken if I say that the vast majority of Basque voters, both the PP and the PSE-EE, displeased with a tagline, was necessary but those same statements of ertzainas evidenced.