According to Talmudic canon is the blood of Christian children of Christian virgins – especially valuable. This was not done by one person – any ritual murder meant by a system, "- said Temples. The official representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Ukraine Maxim Butkevich denied the authenticity of statements attributed to him in which he accused the Mossad of kidnapping in the Ukraine Palestinian engineer Dirar Abu Sisi. – Nevertheless, the world's media had to ride the shaft reprints an AP. The greatest impression on the reader produced by the fact that the information was supplied by reference to the authority of the UN. Headlines of newspapers and online publications read: "UN: Mossad kidnapped director of the Gaza power plant," "UN demands that Israel return the Palestinians kidnapped in Ukraine," "UN accuses Israel of kidnapping Palestinians "… Initiative Rahamima Emmanuilova introduction of a new anniversary of Tatarstan – the adoption of the Jewish Khazar Khanate – met a mixed assessment: – According to one of the activists of the Jewish community possible with the same base established in the Republic Day of the adoption of Anglicanism Britain "as" a modern Tatarstan even geographically a little irrelevant to the Khazar Kaganate. Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip gave a reception in honor of members of the Union of fighters for the liberation of Estonia, including veterans of the 20 th of the Estonian division of the Waffen SS ": – This step is just as controversial as the recent statement by the President of Estonia that" Two people, Jewish and Estonian – partners shared together a historical experience.