While BitTorrent is increasingly widespread, this doesn’t work well when the client has a slow connection, which makes even more intorpecer the download process. With the end of these clients with slow ADSL, can also enjoy this technology is born BitMate a client of open source, specifically designed for users with speeds approximately in between 5 and 20 KB/s download and who has had with funding from the Department of State of the United States, a country where in their areas away from the two coasts broadband is scarce, and long. The developers of the project, among which there are professors from MIT, say that thanks to this program download at a connection of this type improves performance environment to 70%, while in rise, can be improved up to 1000%. System that uses, based obviously on BitTorrent, and what does basically is to prioritize connections between users with similar bandwidth, to ensure that customers of the same type have a better ratio rise/descent among them. In addition, program has such great improvement on the rise because it starts to share parts of a file that are not yet fully discharged, being able to send parts of the parties while in parallel the fragment ends download. If you want to try it, because you are ready to platadormas Windows, Linux and Mac OS x. you can find it here.